Dealing with Office Politics Workshop

This workshop addresses the issue of office politics head on. Participants will walk away with an understanding of how to spot the politics and be equipped with skills for managing themselves in political situations. The workshop will give participants an opportunity to make decisions about who and how they want to be. Finally, participants will learn powerful skills, techniques and multiple ways to manage the situations to a positive end. These are the critical skill sets of diplomacy and negotiation.

Program Overview

Understand that office politics is a reality – and learn to spot the signals of political tactics.Learn that there are ways to engage and to disengage with these situations. Learn tools and techniques to employ – and make powerful choices about each situation as it arises. Gain confidence and skills in managing yourself through politically charged situations. Learn powerful and effective diplomacy and negotiation skills.

What Next?

We believe every business is different and a one size fits all approach will rarely result in the best outcome. We customise this course to suit your unique training needs. The success of our training is in our familiarisation process. We ensure that the solutions we deliver directly relate to your business challenges.

Download the pdf, call us on 1300 305 789 or email for more information.

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