Team Building Workshop

While a common goal of Team Building sessions is to have some fun in a different environment, the most important outcome is for the team to learn and to implement those lessons in the workplace. This is Training Transfer and this dynamic Team Building day delivers the very best training transfer possible. We use accelerated learning techniques to help participants translate the learnings from the activities into real world connections that they can implement immediately. Our activities are fun and engaging, but the real difference is the result we help you to achieve.

Program Overview

Multiple game-like activities followed by a debrief session help the participants to make the learning transfer from the activity into the workplace. Depending on your requirements these activities have messages that relate to:

  • Organisational and Team Values;
  • Branding;
  • Behaviours;
  • Understanding of self and others;
  • appreciation of differences and similarities;
  • the value of systems and processes – and get everyone on the same page, breaking silos and building trust.

What Next?

We believe every business is different and a one size fits all approach will rarely result in the best outcome. We customise this course to suit your unique training needs. The success of our training is in our familiarisation process. We ensure that the solutions we deliver directly relate to your business challenges.

Download the pdf, call us on 1300 305 789 or email for more information.

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