Handling Challenging Customers

In this dynamic 1-Day workshop, participants will learn practical skills and techniques for handling challenging customers.

We all know that customer service can be easy and pleasant when the customers are in a great mood, when systems and process are working well, and when we are able to say “yes” to whatever the customer is asking for. Everyone is happy and the interaction flows well.

The question is:  What happens when things don’t go that well? 

The workshop begins by engaging participants in a conversation about how customers “show up” as difficult.  We will capture all that information – and then handle those very specific instances in a direct way – so that participants will feel prepared to handle the same types of situations if they should occur again.  We will also introduce some common challenges, if they are not listed during our discussion.

Our goal at the end of the session is to have participants feeling prepared and confident in handling even the most challenging of customer interactions in a way that supports the values and the customer service principles of your organisation.   How confident are your employees at handling challenging customers?

Learning Activities and Outcomes:

  • Participants will engage in a listening activity to help them improve their listening skills. Our goal with this activity is to ensure that real listening does happen in times of stress and pressure.
  • Participants will practice specific language skills. The goal with this activity is to explore the impact of language and help participants to reduce conflict at every practical point in the interaction.
  • Participants will learn 15 practical skills for handling common types of challenging interactions.
  • Participants will have the opportunity to discuss their specific examples of how customers “show up” as difficult and challenging – and they will have the opportunity to practice some new ways of handling challenging customers.



Behavioural Standard Setting Workshop

Why is it that some people on the team just seem to “get it” and others don’t? Why is it that some team members do what is expected of them sometimes and not so much in other situations? This workshop provides the absolute answers to why you sometimes experience performance that is inconsistent, sometimes good and sometimes poor. The answer lies in the standards that are created, how and when they are communicated, and how they are managed. This workshop will lead you through the steps needed to create and implement standards so that everyone knows exactly what is expected – and team leaders will know exactly what to do when staff don’t perform at their best.

Program Overview

This session is NOT about creating your regular operational standards, that you already have. This session is about creating behavioural standards that give guidance for both the staff members who are responsible for the behaviours, and also for the Team Leaders who are responsible for managing the performance of the staff. This 1-Day workshop will provide both the theoretical and the practical information needed for leaders to create the behavioural standards, implement them, and manage to them.

What Next?

We believe every business is different and a one size fits all approach will rarely result in the best outcome. We customise this course to suit your unique training needs. The success of our training is in our familiarisation process. We ensure that the solutions we deliver directly relate to your business challenges.

Download the pdf, call us on 1300 305 789 or email hello@aliveandkicking.com.au for more information.

Resilience: A Key Skills for Change Program

The Resilience Program is a series of workshops, specially designed for any organisations going through change, to be delivered in 2 hour modular form across a 3 month period. The program has three specific aims:

  1. Rethink what being resilient is
  2. Appreciate the need to build resiliency
  3. Provide participants with some highly effective strategies to increase their resilience in the short and long term

Increasingly employees are asked to achieve more with less, to secure customer satisfaction and loyalty in highly competitive markets, and sometimes whilst faced with the uncertainty of their future employment therefore optimal performance requires greater resilience. Resilient people are far more capable and confident to handle challenges, they are better able to cope and to thrive in the face of uncertainty and the unknown.

Program Overview

With the workshops being run over a period of three months, participants are able to put specific skills and strategies into place, and then return to the facilitator at subsequent workshops and discuss what is working for them and how to correct what is not working. Resilience levels in all participants increases over the program’s duration.

What Next?

We believe every business is different and a one size fits all approach will rarely result in the best outcome. We customise this course to suit your unique training needs. The success of our training is in our familiarisation process. We ensure that the solutions we deliver directly relate to your business challenges.

Download the pdf, call us on 1300 305 789 or email hello@aliveandkicking.com.au for more information.

Emotional Intelligence for Leaders Workshop

The latest scientific research highlights the importance of Emotional Intelligence training (EI) as the single most effective business skill of these times. EI is defined as the ability to understand and manage our emotions as well as those around us. One reason communications are not received as intended is because of the emotional charge in the message, which is often louder than the message itself. The overarching aim of this workshop is to increase your effectiveness in conveying critical messages, providing clear directions and delivering words of inspiration and motivation by attaining a higher level of emotional intelligence.

Program Overview

By undertaking Emotional Intelligence training, participants will explore EI as it applies to leaders and uncover a new understanding of their communication style using a variety of exceptional facilitation methods. Gain a deep understanding that thoughts, behaviours, attitudes and emotions are one’s own choice and responsibility. Understand rigorously researched techniques that enable control of emotions and environment, rather than the feeling of being controlled. Learn new ways to understand one’s own behaviours and how to interrelate positively with others as a leader. Understand how to read others using non-verbal clues – this is great for influencing others.

What Next?

We believe every business is different and a one size fits all approach will rarely result in the best outcome. We customise this course to suit your unique training needs. The success of our training is in our familiarisation process. We ensure that the solutions we deliver directly relate to your business challenges.

Download the pdf, call us on 1300 305 789 or email hello@aliveandkicking.com.au for more information.